Character Group


Let \(G\) be an abelian group. A character of \(G\) is a homomorphism from \(G\) to \(\mathbb{C}^\ast\). The set of characters is called the character group denoted by \(\hat{G}\).

This is a special case of the character of a representation where the vector space is one dimensional.


The constant \(1\) function is called the principal character.


The character group is a group under pointwise multiplication of functions.


Suppose \(f, f' \in \hat{G}\) and let \(h = f \times f'\), the pointwise product. Suppose \(a, b \in G\), then

\[\begin{align*} h(ab) &= f(ab)f'(ab) \\ &= f(a)f(b)f'(a)f'(b) \\ &= f(a)f'(a)f(b)f'(b) \\ &= h(a)h(b) \\ \end{align*}\]

and thus \(h\) is a homomorphism. Since \(\mathbb{C}^\ast\) is a multiplicative group, we have closure of multiplication and hence \(h\) is a function \(h : G \to \mathbb{C}^\ast\). Thus \(h \in \hat{G}\).

Clearly if \(f\) is the principal character, then \((f \times f')(a) = f(a)f'(a) = f'(a)\) for all \(f' \in \hat{G}\) and for all \(a \in G\), thus we have existence of the identity.

Associativity follows from associativity of multiplication in the group \(\mathbb{C}^\ast\), since multiplication is pointwise.

Similarly if \(f \in \hat{G}\), then \(h = \frac{1}{f}\) is also a function \(G \to \mathbb{C}^\ast\) and

\[ \frac{1}{f}(ab) = \frac{1}{f(ab)} = \frac{1}{f(a)f(b)} = \frac{1}{f}(a) \frac{1}{f}(b).\]